Humans evolve and health care is part of being human. Achieving optimal health in our evolving environment will require additions to our health care toolbox. Dr. Porter will be exploring leading edge research and ancient traditions over the year to see how this new information relates to your health.
Dr. Porter is teaming with Gloria Hesselhoff in an exploration of The Immensity of Being Human. NASA and the Webb telescope have opened our eyes to the multiverse we live in, there may be as many universes as there are cells in our body (trillions). How is this information affecting our view of health care? What is the Biofield? Will energy medicine become incorporated into heath care? What might your role be in the creation of a healthier you? Join us as we explore the future.
Join Gloria, our evolutionary astrologer and Stephany our evolutionary Naturopathic Doctor as we delve into what 2023 has in store for us. Our fourteen billion year old story has been filled with necessary and groundbreaking transformations. At this moment in our history, we are in the midst of a revolutionary era which brings massive breakdowns and breakthroughs to our world. As the limiting archaic energy is finally breathing its last breaths, a new world vibration is being birthed. The Higher Purpose of this turmoil is being revealed to us in this unrivaled year of 2023, beckoning us to create a new world and vision for the human race.
What that new world looks like is still unknown and may cause us to feel uncertain, sometimes chaotic. The all-important questions of 2023 include: What is our contribution in this time of dire beauty? How is the destiny of our new world created? What or Who constructs the reality of this new age?”
For years we have acknowledged that we consciously or unconsciously participate in the creation of our reality. Humanity’s next evolutionary step decrees that we take this empowering truth deeper, wider and higher. 2023 is the year to consciously actualize our Creative Genius Within. We are to truly act as the stewards of our sovereignty and awaken our inner super powers, in countless ways.
Participants will develop necessary skills for creating a new world view via:
Heartfelt meditations
Small group breakout discussions
Astrological insights and wisdom
The Great Emptying
The experience of a deeper understandings of your inner power
Classically raucous discussions!
Secure yourself a seat to this HYBRID event in person or via zoom here
Speaker bios available below or in in PDF
