We have always known within that we are all powerful. The beliefs of this non-reality riddled with what appears to be inequalities, injustices and a world smothered in judgment would like us to believe otherwise. The beauty of this is it is a journey of remembering. To enter this planet, one theory is we have to forget who we are and with free will choose to remember. Since we came from source, divine love and light, it can be challenging to understand how we have landed in what appears to be a big mess. Our DNA holds a few clues for us that may help.
A protein produced by our DNA called Protein phosphatase 1 (PP1) is a constraint on our ability to learn and retain things in our memory. Without repetition over time we forget. This may explain why indigenous cultures have passed down stories to hold the truths of their society. Are we ready to down-regulate this protein and step back into remembering how powerful we are? The old paradigm belief that we are our DNA has been shattered with the knowledge that we can turn genes on and off at our will.
If we have ever questioned the power of the goddess within, our Mitochondria are another strong reminder to wake up. It is believed that Oxygen did not exist on this planet until 2.4 billion years ago and as it increased in our atmosphere it was toxic to bacteria that did not use oxygen (anaerobic). So in the wisdom of the feminine or the desire to expand in consciousness, the mitochondria, often called “Matachondria”, teamed with an aerobic cell (one that uses oxygen) and they were able to accomplish far more than they ever could alone. Without this agreement we as humans may not have been possible.
Since the mitochondria is passed down only thru the maternal lineage it would be safe to say it is the divine feminine inside the cell. Among its many gifts, it produces the energy we require to be human and move around the planet freely. It is the wind to a flute, there is no music until wind flows through you. It is the yin (divine feminine) to the yang (divine masculine).
Chromosome 2 and 7 were another exponential leap towards embodying the divine for the human race. They were very unusual, unexplainable alterations that occurred in our DNA. Unlike slow Darwin style evolution this was an abrupt game changer. Chromosome 2 occurred by the fusing and altering of 2 of our genes. Chromosome 2 is the second largest chromosome within producing 1200+ genes and is responsible for doubling the size of our brain, quadrupling the size of our neocortex and feelings like compassion and sympathy, mirror neurons and so much more. In esoteric teachings this is similar to being initiated with Diksha (light) by a guru, it is a rebirth into your spiritual essence. Chromosome 7 made changes that allowed for complex speech so that we could communicate in more sophisticated ways and explore what it means to be spirit in a human experience.
The importance of the DNA is not in what color your hair is or how tall you become. The DNA is a quantum energetic connection to all that is. The Double helix (shape of the DNA) is also found in our Milky Way and believed to interconnect galaxies. Feel free to visit the NASA website and peruse through the photo gallery, it will expand your mind and enlighten your heart. Think big, live big, and know that you are one with all that is.
Stephany Porter, ND, FABNO