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Celebrating the Immensity of Being Human

Humans evolve and health care is part of being human. Achieving optimal health in our evolving environment will require additions to our health care toolbox. Dr. Porter will be exploring leading edge research and ancient traditions over the years to see how this new information relates to your health.


Dr. Porter is teaming with Gloria Hesselhoff in an exploration of The Immensity of Being Human. NASA and the Webb telescope have opened our eyes to the multiverse we live in, there may be as many universes as there are cells in our body (trillions). How is this information affecting our view of health care? What is the Biofield? Will energy medicine become incorporated into heath care? What might your role be in the creation of a healthier you? Join us as we explore the future.


Full description & flyer can be found here.

Celebrating the Immensity of Being Human

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